Shop Layout and Workflow
In today’s market, more than 60% of a business or shop’s costs is labor. Mestek Machinery can help your business sharpen layouts and workflow strategies to further reduce labor costs and create an efficient working environment. A proper layout should result in your operation producing the largest amount of work in the least amount of time with the available machinery on hand. For maximum shop production efficiency, all shop operations must happen in the proper sequence. Reducing unnecessary steps translates to saved time and money. There are several benefits to an efficient shop layout for both employees and shop owners.
Mestek Machinery’s experts can help you create a new shop layout and workflow to improve your overall business. We can review the principles of shop layout, analyze layout and operations workflows, and recommend improved layouts that provide continuous workflow lines. The benefits of continuous workflows lines include increased production, reduction of storage areas, better utilization of floor space, and reduced worker fatigue. Contact Mestek Machinery to learn more about how we can help improve your shop layout, correct workflows, and positively affect your business’ bottom line.

Contact Info
Mestek Machinery
5480 Sixth Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
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Contact Info
Mestek Machinery
5480 Sixth Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404